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Simplified Chinese
红楼梦连环画之二 《宝玉初会黛玉》连环画内容提要:

Tradionnal Chinese
林黛玉的母親是榮國府賈太夫人的女兒,不幸早亡。 賈母因念黛玉孤苦無依,派人接她來家居住。 表兄賈寶玉,較黛玉長一歲,自從黛玉來後,兩人意趣相投,同遊同息,親密無間。 一天,忽然傳來黛玉父親身患重病,思女心切的消息。 賈母要打發黛玉回家,寶玉雖不願與黛玉分離,但因父女情深,無法阻攔,只得送黛玉回揚州探望父病。 黛五到揚州時,父已亡故,只好仍回榮府,依外祖母家長住下去。

Simple translation
The second comic book of the Dream of Red Mansions, “Baoyu meets Daiyu at the first time”, is a synopsis of the content of the comic book:
Lin Daiyu’s mother is the daughter of Mrs. Jia Tai of Rongguo Mansion. Unfortunately, she died early. Jiamu sent someone to take Daiyu to live at home because of her loneliness. Cousin Jia Baoyu is one year older than Daiyu. Since Daiyu came, the two people have the same interests, travel and rest together, and are close. One day, it suddenly came that Daiyu’s father was seriously ill and was homesick. Jiamu wants to send Daiyu home. Baoyu doesn’t want to be separated from Daiyu, but because her father and daughter are deeply in love, she can’t stop her, so she has to send Daiyu back to Yangzhou to visit her father. When Daiwu arrived in Yangzhou, her father had died, so she had to go back to Rongfu and live with her grandmother’s parents.


Simplified Chinese

Tradionnal Chinese

Simple translation
Lin Ruhai, the Suzhou Aristocratic Family, took the new post of salt inspector and took his family servants to Yangzhou.

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