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Simplified Chinese
红楼梦连环画之五 《黛玉葬花》连环画内容提要:


Tradionnal Chinese
黛玉回到賈府,長住下來。 寶玉和黛玉情趣相投,比別的姐妹尤為親密。 他們雖然時常為一些小事而拌嘴、慪氣,但總是很快地和好。 隨著年齡的增長,兩人心中都添了心事,只是在封建禮教的束縛下,不便明白表示。 後來又因薛寶釵的到來,更新增了黛玉的憂煩,擔心自己無父無母,無人做主,將來心願難遂。 她自比落花,做了一首《葬花詞》,感歎身世的飄零。

Simple Translation
The fifth comic book of the Dream of Red Mansions: Daiyu Buries Flowers
Daiyu returned to Jia’s mansion and stayed for a long time. Baoyu and Daiyu share the same interests and are more intimate than other sisters. Although they often quarrel and get angry over some small matters, they always make up quickly. With the growth of age, both of them were filled with worries, but under the shackles of feudal ethics, it was inconvenient to express them clearly. Later, because of the arrival of Xue Baochai, Daiyu was even more worried. She was worried that she had no father or mother, and no one would make decisions. She compared herself to the falling flowers and wrote a poem “Burial of Flowers”, lamenting the loss of her life experience.


Simplified Chinese

Tradionnal Chinese
榮國府二老爺賈政做生日,大擺筵宴,演出戲文,一團喜氣。 正在熱鬧的當兒,忽然來了聖旨,叫賈政立刻入朝。

Simple Translation
Jia Zheng, the second master of Rongguo Mansion, held a birthday party, gave a big banquet, and performed a drama. In the middle of the bustle, a decree came to ask Jia Zheng to enter the court immediately.

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