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Simplified Chinese

宝玉平时最讨厌读八股文章,不愿跟一班追名逐利的士大夫交往。这使宝玉的父亲贾政很不高兴。 一天,王夫人的丫头金训儿受了冤枉投井自尽,贾环妒忌宝玉,便在贾政面前搬弄是非,胡说是贾宝玉逼奸致死。贾政本来就恨宝玉不肯用功,气上加气,也不问青红皂白,叫人将宝玉按倒,下狠劲往死里毒打一顿。幸贾母听到消息,赶来救了宝玉。

Tradionnal Chinese
寶玉平時最討厭讀八股文章,不願跟一班追名逐利的士大夫交往。 這使寶玉的父親賈政很不高興。 一天,王夫人的丫頭金訓兒受了冤枉投井自盡,賈環妒忌寶玉,便在賈政面前搬弄是非,胡說是賈寶玉逼奸致死。 賈政本來就恨寶玉不肯用功,氣上加氣,也不問青紅皂白,叫人將寶玉按倒,下狠勁往死裏毒打一頓。 幸賈母聽到消息,趕來救了寶玉。

Simple Translation
The sixth comic book of the Dream of Red Mansions, “Torture Baoyu”, is a synopsis of the content of the comic book:
Baoyu hates reading eight-part articles most and doesn’t want to associate with a group of scholar-bureaucrats who are chasing fame and profit. This made Jia Zheng, Baoyu’s father, very unhappy. One day, Mrs. Wang’s maid, Jin Xun, was wronged and threw herself into a well. Jia Huan was jealous of Baoyu, so he told a lie in front of Jia Zheng, saying that Jia Baoyu had forced her to die. Jia Zheng hated Baoyu for refusing to work hard. He was enraged and did not ask for any details. He asked someone to knock Baoyu down and beat him to death. Fortunately, Jiamu heard the news and came to save Baoyu.


Simplified Chinese

Tradionnal Chinese
盛夏,大觀園裏赤日當空,滿耳蟬聲。 寶玉飯後無事,到王夫人屋裡去。 進入上房,只見王夫人正在涼床上午睡,金訓兒坐在一邊給她捶腿。

Simple Translation
In the midsummer, the Grand View Garden is full of cicadas in the red sun. Baoyu has nothing to do after dinner. Go to Mrs. Wang’s room. When entering the upper room, Mrs. Wang was taking a nap in the cool bed, while Jin Xun was sitting on the side beating her leg.

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