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Simplified Chinese
红楼梦连环画之九 《宝玉瞒赃》连环画内容提要:


Tradionnal Chinese
大觀園裏管廚房的柳媳婦,有個名叫五兒的女兒,和怡紅院的丫頭芳官相好。 芳官因五兒身體虛弱,送了她半瓶滋補的玫瑰露,五兒還送了一包茯苓霜,不料被女管家林之孝家的查獲。 恰巧王夫人房中少了玫瑰露等補品,那些和柳家不睦的人,就誣賴是她們偷的。 後來查明王夫人房中的玫瑰露是丫環彩雲偷了送給賈環的。 寶玉怕此事宣揚出去,有礙彩雲、賈府的體面,就由自己承認下來,了結了一場風波。

Simple Translation
The ninth comic book of the Dream of Red Mansions: “Treasure and Jade Conceal the stolen goods”
Liu’s daughter-in-law, who is in charge of the kitchen in the Grand View Garden, has a daughter named Wuer, who is in love with Fang Guan, the girl in the Yihong Courtyard. Fangguan sent Wuer half a bottle of nourishing rose dew because of her weakness, and Wuer also sent her a packet of poria cocos cream, which was unexpectedly seized by the housekeeper Lin Zhixiao’s family. It happened that Mrs. Wang’s room was short of rose dew and other supplements. Those who were not in harmony with the Liu family falsely accused them of stealing them. Later, it was found that the rose dew in Mrs. Wang’s room was stolen by the maid Caiyun and sent to Jia Huan. Baoyu was afraid that this matter would be publicized and would affect the decency of Caiyun and Jia’s family, so she admitted it by herself and ended a storm.


Simplified Chinese

Tradionnal Chinese
賈府大觀園的梨香院戲班散夥了,學戲的女孩子便分配在園眾各房使喚。 這些買來的女孩,幾年來受盡來折磨,如今就像倦鳥出籠,都十分歡喜。

Simple Translation
The Pear Fragrance Theater troupe in the Grand View Garden of Jia Mansion broke up, and the girls who studied the opera were assigned to each room in the garden. These bought girls, who have been tortured for several years, are like tired birds coming out of their cages and are very happy.

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