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Simplified Chinese
邢夫人带着黛玉到自己院中,去请贾赦。贾赦叫人 来说:『见了姑娘,彼此伤心,暂且不忍相见。劝姑娘不必想家、跟着老太太和舅母,是和家里一样的。』

Tradionnal Chinese
邢夫人帶著黛玉到自己院中,去請賈赦。 賈赦叫人來說:『見了靚女,彼此傷心,暫且不忍相見。勸靚女不必想家、跟著老太太和舅母,是和家裡一樣的。』

Simple translation
Mrs. Xing took Daiyu to her own courtyard to ask Jia She. Jia She called for people to say, “When I see a girl, I feel sad for each other. I can’t bear to meet her for the moment. It’s the same as at home to persuade her not to be homesick and follow the old lady and aunt.”

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